transaction key

英 [trænˈzækʃn kiː] 美 [trænˈzækʃn kiː]

网络  交易码



  1. When a transaction starts, the scope key for this transaction is added to this context object.
  2. When a transaction ends, the corresponding scope key is removed.
  3. Within the simulator services layer, a "transaction" key is extracted from the request object, and will be used to determine the specific XML file to retrieve, consume, and return as a POJO response.
  4. The transaction log& the key to durability
  5. The process with the transaction open does see the key.
  6. And base on that, the architecture for the locate search system, transaction management and the key techniques of system are advanced, the character of the locate search system is proposed.
  7. When you create or rebuild a unique index online, the index builder and a concurrent user transaction may try to insert the same key, therefore violating uniqueness.
  8. The database in grid environment is an important part of data grid, while transaction committing protocol is a key point in transaction management.
  9. If a transaction in which the database master key was explicitly opened is rolled back, the key will remain open.
  10. The transaction will add another key brick to Schneider Electric's product and solution offerings that provide energy efficiency to its key targeted end-markets in new economies.
  11. Second, it is known that how to protect the land property rights and their transaction security is another key factor which affects the institutional efficiency.
  12. Infra-marginal Analysis explain that to seeking for maximizing of the profit, an Enterprise will transform to MNE through jumping to FDI form export with the enhancement of transaction efficiency of key factors in the market.
  13. The transaction controlling method, processing interface and key data structure related to the implementation of the model are given, and the concrete implementation of client, server and six transaction Agents are analyzed and designed at length.
  14. The web-based middleware, which provides the functionality of information exchange and transaction handling, is the key of WWW technology.
  15. Transaction management is the key component of process-sensitive engineering environments ( PSEE).
  16. The power market transaction models play a key role in selecting loss alloca-tion method.
  17. Measurement of transaction costs is a key procedure to Transaction Cost Economics ( TCE) transferring itself from theories to positive study. It plays an important role in comparative institutional analysis as well as under-standing the differences among different countries 'economic performances.
  18. Transaction processing technology is a key technology in distributed computing environment.
  19. When an authorized user requests database access, the system will take a series of complex transaction of key by using the element of matrix, securely and highly efficient response for the request is provided.
  20. The market trades are not costless. The existence of information asymmetry problems and so on can induce the transaction cost, transaction cost is the key component to influence the realization of the electricity market reform and energy trades.
  21. As a right that provides recovery for the innocent party of the contract, the remedies are extremely significant for smooth business transaction, which is a key factor for the economic development and social stability.
  22. Analyzing JDBC transaction processing application and key technology, it brings forward two application way of JDBC transaction processing.
  23. It points out that the PKI system of online finance transaction should generate signing and encrypting key pairs separately.
  24. Meanwhile, deal with mobile transaction is the key technique in mobile database field, it use synchronous replication technique to keep the consistency.
  25. The evolution of division of labor is subjected to the transaction efficiency, and transaction efficiency is the contrast relationship between division profits and transaction costs. When division profits are given, how to reduce transaction costs is the key to promote the evolution of division of labor.
  26. In the process of data communication using digital signatures and signed inspection certificate, send the transaction message using the private key to sign, when receiving the packet using the public key to send to attest, in order to ensure real and non-repudiation of data.
  27. Transaction is one of the key activities of business processes. A series of actions are grouped in a transaction to exhibit certain behavioral properties, such as atomicity.
  28. Transaction costs is one of the core concepts of modern economics, transaction cost measure is the measurement of changes in transaction cost theory to show the key indicators.
  29. Distributed transaction commit is always the key contents of the distributed database research.
  30. Mobile database, mobile transaction processing is an important key technologies, it is mainly used to maintain data consistency, support for concurrent access, to meet the needs of multiple users to maintain a fixed range of users can maintain a continuous link mobile database.